At the heart of each of our products is a patented technology

designed to extract from the tea leaves the antioxidant polyphenol concentrate Of which they are naturally rich.

the Patent

Tea Infusion Skincare 

is a leaf-processing technique that makes it possible to obtain An infusion that preserves all the active ingredients of tea: polyphenols, minerals, vitamins, and amino acids.
The antioxidant effectiveness of Tea Infusion Skincare has been clinically demonstrated by independent studies conducted with a prestigious Italian university and confirmed by the anti-pollution testing which we perform with a Research Center that specializes in evaluating the effectiveness of dermo-cosmetic formulas. 

Infusion of five different kinds of organic tea is included in our products instead of water-the difference is substantial.
Water in a cosmetic has no efficacy but serves only as a solvent.
Tea infusion, naturally rich in active ingredients,
Makes the cosmetic 100% active.

Therefore, we can say that Teaology is
0% Water 100% Tea Infusion Skincare®.

*Brevetto No. 102016000026298 

 The infusion of five different
types of organic tea is included
In our products instead of water-the difference is substantial.
Water in a cosmetic
has no effectiveness but only serves
As a solvent.

Tea infusion, naturally rich in active ingredients, makes the cosmetic 100% active.

Therefore, we can say that Teaology is
0% Water 100% Tea Infusion Skincare®.

*Patent No. 102016000026298

How does our patent work?

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We choose the best varieties of tea

To be included in each product according to their active ingredients

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We use a patented technology

To extract antioxidant catechins from tea leaves

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We use real
tea infusions

al posto dell’acqua nei nostri cosmetici per renderli attivi al 100%

How does our patent work?

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We select
around the world teas

delle migliori qualità coltivati nel rispetto

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We choose
the best varieties of tea

to be included in each product according to
to their active ingredients

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We use
a patented technology

To extract the antioxidant catechins
from tea leaves

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We use
real tea infusions

Instead of water in our cosmetics to make them 100% active